Oh What a World
Oh what a world...so full of shoes...too good to be true. (sing this in the tune of the Kasey Musgraves song) When I'm shopping for clothing or jewelry, I am usually looking for certain styles in particular or only pick up something that quickly catches my eye. When it comes to shoes on the other hand, I am attracted to them all.
There's no pair of shoes I would turn down, unless they're super used from the thrift store because my mother told me I could get diseases that way. But seriously though, I can envision an outfit styling for any pair of shoes. I'll take a pair of each please.
It is a blessing and a curse. You might not believe this but because my affection for shoes is so strong and easily earned, I rarely buy shoes. I can never choose and I get too attached to ones I already have. The shoes in the picture above I got from Target in 7th grade and look at me rocking them as a 21 year old. I usually only get new shoes when my mom surprises me with some...and then I love them and wear them until they break. RIP to my Easyspirit sandals that looked like Chacos and Birkenstocks had a love child.
If you haven't see on my gram lately, I have became a partner with Purcado, a start-up company based in Durham, NC! When I received an email from their marketing manager and saw the word "shoes", she had me.
Purcado helps shoppers find the best shoes, at the best prices, from the best retailers. As the most advanced shoe comparison tool on the web, Purcado allows you to effortlessly compare and save up to 70% off your favorite footwear brands in one search. They save you time and money so you don't have to compare 50 different websites just to see who is having a sale on the UGG slippers you want. C'mon you know you want UGG slippers to make you feel glamorous while you watch The Bachelorette.
As a Purcado partner, I was given the opportunity to travel to Durham for the day for a photo shoot with their photographer, Katie. She was a joy to work with and had the most beautiful smile. We walked the streets of Durham, searching for every bright and colorful wall we could find. Here are some of my favorite photographs from the day!
Another thing I am excited about is the other bloggers who are Purcado partners! I love how Purcado did their research and chose a small group of bloggers who they felt truly match well with their brand. I look forward to sharing our next meetup with Purcado! Hopefully I get to do some more Durham exploring because of it.
My current faves pictured above! I'm not sure where I'm going, but I'm going with these shoes on.
I hope you all are having a relaxing summer so far and are taking time to explore the world around you. Oh what a world. Tell me something new you've seen this summer! Purcado's landing page counts [ wink wink ;) ]
This blog post is dedicated to my favorite pair of shoes. This pair passed away a year ago today when the straps broke after years of use. Here's until I find you again on a shelf somewhere....RIP
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Love your shoes until the day they die.
Thank you for joining me at The Coffee Table.
-from Anna with love